WiFi Syncing
Wi-Fi syncing is the most secure way to keep your devices in sync using your local network.
Choosing Wi-Fi Sync
When you first sign in to or create an mSecure account, you will be prompted to choose a sync option. You can select Wi-Fi Syncing at that time or switch to it later through your settings.
Important Notes:
- mSecure does not sync with previous versions of the app. However, you can restore data from a .msim backup file created in older versions.
- The sync setting is account wide - changing it on one device will update it across all devices signed in to the same mSecure account.
- You must designate a Main Computer in order to use Wi-Fi Syncing. All other devices will sync to this computer.
How to Set Up Wi-Fi Syncing on iOS
- Open and unlock mSecure.
- Tap the menu icon.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap Sync Settings.
- Tap Choose Sync Settings.
- Select Wi-Fi
How to Set Up Wi-Fi Syncing on Android
- Open and unlock mSecure.
- Tap the menu icon.
- Tap Settings.
- Tap Sync Settings.
- Tap Change Sync Settings.
- Select Wi-Fi and tap OK.
How to Set Up Wi-Fi Syncing on Mac
- Open and unlock mSecure.
- Pres Command + Comma (mSecure > Preferences).
- Click Sync.
- Select Wi-Fi from the Sync Via dropdown menu.
- Ensure you have designated your main computer as the Main Computer.
How to Set Up Wi-Fi Syncing on Windows
- Open and unlock mSecure.
- Click the Settings (gear) icon in the bottom-left corner.
- Click Sync Settings.
- Select Wi-Fi from the Sync Method dropdown menu.
- Ensure you have designated your main computer as the Main Computer.
Understand Sync Behavior
Main Computer Requirement
- You must set up a main computer for Wi-Fi syncing in mSecure.
- The Main Computer acts as the central hub - other devices will sync their data through it.
- Both the Main Computer and syncing devices must be running and unlocked for the sync process to work.
Auto Sync vs. Manual Sync
Auto Sync:
- Any device that makes changes or adds new records will immediately sync with the Main Computer.
- Other devices will receive updates from the Main Computer every 60 seconds.
- To see changes immediately on other devices, perform a manual sync.
Manual Sync:
- The Computer does not initiate syncs on its own.
- Other devices must manually trigger a sync when needed.
Important: mSecure will not sync with the previous versions of mSecure. However, mSecure can restore from a .msim backup file created in the previous versions. Please refer to these articles to learn how to transfer your information from mSecure 3 or 4 to mSecure.
Need Help?
Please use this article for help with WiFi syncing issues.
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