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mSecure Cloud Sync

mSecure Cloud is a built-in sync service that securely synchronizes your data across all your devices without requiring additional software or services.

Setting Up mSecure Cloud Sync

When you sign in or create an mSecure account, you'll be prompted to choose a sync method. Select mSecure Cloud at that time, or switch to it later in Sync Settings. 

Note: Turning off mSecure Cloud Sync will remove your data from our servers, but will remain locally stored on each device. Any devices previously syncing with the cloud will keep their existing data but will stop syncing until you re-enable mSecure Cloud.

Important: mSecure 6 cannot sync with older versions. However, you can restore data from a .msim backup file created in mSecure 3 or 4. Learn how to transfer your data. 

 How to Enable mSecure Cloud Sync

The sync setting is account-wide; changing it on one device updates it on all other devices where you're signed in. 


  1. Open and unlock mSecure.
  2. Tap the menu icon.
  3. Go to Settings > Sync Settings.
  4. Tap Choose Sync Settings.
  5. Select mSecure Cloud.


  1. Open and unlock mSecure.
  2. Tap the menu icon.
  3. Go to Settings > Sync Settings.
  4. Tap Change Sync Settings.
  5. Select mSecure Cloud and top OK.


  1. Open and unlock mSecure.
  2. Press Command + Comma or go to mSecure > Preferences from the menu bar.
  3. Click Sync.
  4. Select mSecure Cloud from the Sync Via dropdown menu.


  1. Open and unlock mSecure.
  2. Click the gear icon in the bottom left.
  3. Go to Sync Settings.
  4. Select mSecure Cloud from the Sync Method dropdown menu.

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