Import Data from a CSV File (Older Versions)
NOTE: This guide is for importing CSV files created for older versions of mSecure. While these files can still be imported into mSecure 6, the process has changed to offer more control, making it more complex. For details on mSecure 6 CSV imports, see this article. If you're importing data from another password manager that uses CSV files, this guide should suffice. If using 1Password you can use this article to import your backup file.
Formatting a CSV File
A CSV file is a simple text file where data is separated by commas. It's typically created by exporting data from a spreadsheet program (e.g., Excel or Numbers). Each row represents a record, and each column contains different data fields.
Column Structure:
- Column A: Group Name (Must exist in mSecure before importing).
- Column B: Record Type (Must be created in mSecure before importing).
- Column C: Description (required)
- Column D: Note
- Column E+: Field data (varies based on record type).
Example: Importing Login Records
A default Login record in mSecure includes:
- Description (Every record requires this).
- URL.
- Username.
- Password.
- Note.
A sample spreadsheet might look like this:
If a Group or Type doesn't already exist in mSecure, you must create it first. Any records associated with a Type will update automatically when edited.
Example: Importing a Credit Card Record (4th Row)
A Credit Card record includes:
- Description
- Card Number
- Expiration Date
- Name on Card
- Pin
- Bank
- Security Code
A sample spreadsheet entry:
If a field is not applicable, leave it blank. However, Columns A, B, and C (Group, Type, and Description) must always have a value. If not using Groups, assign records to "Unassigned".
Exporting a CSV File
When saving a CSV file:
- Excel: Exports only up to the last column with data.
- Numbers (Mac): Exports all columns, so remove unnecessary ones before saving.
To Export:
- Excel: Click Save As...and select CSV.
- Numbers: Click Export...choose CSV.
Once your CSV file is formatted correctly, it can be imported into mSecure.
An example of what the file would look like:
To import a CSV file on Mac
- Open and unlock mSecure
- Click File
- Click Import
- Click CSV
- Select CSV file in the Finder dialogue window
To import a CSV file on Windows
- Open and unlock mSecure
- Click Settings
- Click Backups
- Select the CSV import option
Default Record Types in mSecure
Bold Fields indicate un-editable/unremovable field types.
The record type itself for those field types also cannot be removed.
- Bank Account
- Account Number (Sensitive Number Field)
- Pin (Sensitive Number Field)
- Name (Text Field)
- Branch (Text Field)
- Routing Number (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- Account Type (Text Field)
- Phone Number (Phone Number Field)
- Calling Card
- Access No (Phone Number Field)
- PIN (Sensitive Number Field)
- Combination
- Code (Password Field)
- Credit Card
- Card Number (Credit Card Field)
- Expiration Date (Month/Year Field - MM/YYYY or 01/2020)
- Security Code (Sensitive Number Field)
- Name on Card (Text Field)
- PIN (Sensitive Number Field)
- Issuing Bank (Text Field)
- Phone Number (Phone Number Field)
- Billing Address (Text Field)
- Drivers License
- Full Name (Text Field)
- Date of Birth (Date Field)
- Number (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- State (Text Field)
- Issue Date (Date Field)
- Expiration Date (Date Field)
- Email Account
- Username (Username Field)
- Password (Password Field)
- Incoming Mail Server (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- Incoming Port Number (Number Field)
- Outgoing Mail Server (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- Outgoing Port Number (Number Field)
- POP3 Host (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- SMTP Host (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- Frequent Flyer
- Number (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- URL (URL Field)
- Username (Username Field)
- Password (Password Field)
- Mileage (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- Identity
- First Name (Text Field)
- Last Name (Text Field)
- Nickname (Text Field)
- Birthdate (Date Field)
- Company (Text Field)
- Title (Text Field)
- Address (Text Field)
- Address2 (Text Field)
- City (Text Field)
- State (Text Field)
- Country (Text Field)
- Zip/Postal Code (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- Home Phone (Phone Field)
- Office Phone (Phone Field)
- Mobile Phone (Phone Field)
- Email (Email Field)
- Email2 (Email Field)
- Skype (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- Website (URL Field)
- Insurance Information
- Policy Number (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- Group Number (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- Insured (Text Field)
- Date (Date Field)
- Phone Number (Phone Number Field)
- Login
- Website (URL Field)
- Username (Username Field)
- Password (Password Field
- App Name (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- Login URL (URL Field)
- Membership
- Member ID (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- Name (Text Field)
- Start Date (Date Field)
- Expiration Date (Date Field)
- Outdoor License
- Number (Number Field)
- Issue Date (Date Field)
- Expiration Date (Date Field)
- Approved Wildlife (Text Field)
- Max Quota (Number Field)
- State (Text Field)
- Country (Text Field)
- Passport
- Name (Text Field)
- Number (Number Field)
- Type (Text Field)
- Issuing Country (Text Field)
- Issuing Authority (Text Field)
- Nationality (Text Field)
- Expiration Date (Date Field)
- Place of Birth (Text Field)
- Issue Date (Date Field)
- Prescription
- RX Number (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- Name (Text Field)
- Doctor (Text Field)
- Pharmacy (Text Field)
- Phone Number (Phone Number Field)
- Registration Code
- Number (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- DatE (Date Field)
- Reward Program
- Member Name (Text Field)
- Member ID (Text Field)
- Rewards URL (URL Field)
- Username (Username Field)
- Password (Password Field)
- Company (Text Field)
- Phone No. (Phone Number Field)
- Router Settings
- PassworD (Password Field)
- IP Address (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- Network Name (Text Field)
- Network Password (Password Field)
- Security Type (Text Field)
- Secure Note
- Notes (Text Field)
- Social Security Information
- Name (Text Field)
- Number (Number Field)
- Software License
- License Key (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- License To (Text Field)
- Registered Email (Email Field)
- Company (Text Field)
- Download Link (URL Field)
- Website (URL Field)
- Price Paid (Alpha-Numeric Field)
- Support Email (Email Field)
- Purchase Date (Date Field)
- Order Number (Number Field)
- Vehicle Info
- License No. (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- VIN (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- Year (Number Field)
- Make (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- Model (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- Date Purchased (Date Field)
- Tire Size (Text Field - no auto-correct)
- Voice Mail
- Access No. (Phone Number Field)
- PIN (Sensitive Number Field)
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