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phone broken and replacement does not log in

My phone has failed and I had to replace but when the app came over it wont allow me to login 

Hi Paul,

Thank you for contacting us. I tried to find an mSecure account with the email you're using here in the forum, but I wasn't able to find one. This typically indicates you were using the older version of mSecure on your old phone, and the new mSecure 6 app was downloaded to your new phone. Do you know which version of mSecure you were using on your old phone?

Hi Mike yes it would have been an older version. Can I ask you to check another email. As I have just left my work on January after 31 years. Please check "[email protected]
Old email was [email protected]

Hi Paul,

I checked that email address as well, but there is no account in our system. Do you know for sure that you were using mSecure 6 on the phone that was broken? Regardless of which version you were using, do you have a backup of your data that would have been made in mSecure on your old phone?

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