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On-premise vs Cloud

mSecure's data storage moved from on-premise to a cloud solution when v5 was introduced. 

Given the sensitive nature of password storage, it is inevitable that some will be skeptical of storing sensitive information in the public cloud, irregardless of how secure vendors claim it to be. 

In the upcoming release of v6, will the developers consider giving the users the option and flexibility of deciding where the data will reside? I believe there is still a market for users who prefer to store data locally. 

When v5 was first implemented this was true - but after a number of us continued to bug mSecure they added the ability to sync over a local network. That is what I use - all my data are stored locally.

Hi Luke,

Thank you for contacting us, and thank you Andy for your response! Just to confirm Andy's response, mSecure 5 has support for four different sync methods: 1) mSecure Cloud; 2) Dropbox; 3) iCloud; 4) Wi-Fi. These are all found in mSecure's Sync Settings. If you choose Wi-Fi syncing, your data is only stored locally on each device, and syncing is handled via your Wi-Fi network. This will not change in mSecure 6.

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