Hi John,
We do have plans to implement Android's AutoFill framework. It's something we considered adding when we added iOS 12's AutoFill framework in Sept. 2018. However, it's a feature we are waiting a bit on so that more devices are using Android 8 or above and we are also hoping that Google expands the feature to allow website login autofill as well like Apple has done with their Autofill framework. At the moment, the AutoFill framework only works for app logins and the Accessibility services must be used to help sign in on Chrome. Either way, this feature is in our radar and we will likely implement the feature in the next major update on Android.
Hi. Having used MSecure for many years, this is a feature on Android well over due. Granted your points above, please could we have an update on the above considering Android 9 is now the latest OS. IOS always seems to take presidence. Please push and make this happen ASAP. Thanks
I would like to ask if there are any plans to implement the Autofill frameworks found in Android 8 and up. If not, I would like to submit this as a feature request.
From a lay perspective, the computational improvements over using the Accessibility service appear significant. And, I find the Autofill service easy and intuitive to use. Although, I understand there may be some additional security measures that are required to safely implement this feature.
Thank you for your consideration