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getting auto-fill to work on Android

Hi, I'm just assessing mSecure at the moment and trying out features. I've followed the steps to set up autofill on android, for websites in Chrome.


I've set up a few login type entries and enabled autofill in the msecure settings. But none of the sites I set up show the menu as displayed in the little video. I've tried Yahoo, Pinterest and fastmail so far.

I also tried following the Android Auto Login instructions in case that was also necessary, but I still don't get any msecure login prompts anywhere.

Do you have any other suggestions about what I should do?

(BTW, the auto-login instructions don't seem to be accurate. There is no Apps toggle in the settings that I can see, and thus no "go to settings" link. I did find permission and enable the "display over other apps" permission in the Android Settings after some hunting, but then wasn't sure what to do with steps 6-8 of that procedure.)

Okay I added my new msecure support forum details and that works, which for some reason started Pinterest working. Yahoo doesn't, but frankly I just assume they do something weird. I'll keep playing with a few more sites. 

Hi Psider,

First of all, I have to say that the Android autofill feature is one of the great features of mSecure. But there has not been much discussion about it.

Having said that, you might have to temper your expectations somewhat regarding this feature as it does not work all the time. However, I was able to make it work at least most of the time by following the following methods:

1. Copy the URL address for the login page to the Website field just above the Username field in the Login record

     Eg. https://www.pinterest.com/ or https://www.pinterest.com/login/

             https://app.fastmail.com/ or https://app.fastmail.com/login/

             https://login.yahoo.com/ instead of https://www.yahoo.com/

2. Use the built-in mSecure browser instead of the default browser

     Eg. Yahoo mail may work in the built-in mSecure browser as I was able to get it to fill in a made-up username (I don't have a Yahoo account).

3. It is possible to add other URLs below the Password field for customized site-related functions

     Eg. I was able to add my local library seat-booking QR code into mSecure and automatically login to my account and perform the seat booking without having to physically scan the QR code.

4. Third-party apps can be added to the record by clicking on the dotted icon next to the App Name, but again, not all third-party apps work with the autofill feature.

Hope this helps.

@JSeow Thank you very much for jumping in here to help! It's much appreciated.

@Psider As @JSeow mentioned, the auto-fill feature for Android mSecure should work consistently, but there are cases where the developers of either an app or website have implemented their login process in a way that mSecure is not able to handle. For the most part, however, you should be able to have your credentials auto-filled without any issues.

One thing at the end of your first post make me think there's a misunderstanding about a setting. You mention not being able to see the "Apps" toggle in settings, and I don't believe you need to be looking for that setting. In the newest version of mSecure, all you need to do is open the Settings, turn on the "Autofill" toggle, and set mSecure as your "Autofill service." This is outlined in the first video of the article you sent in your post, so I'm not sure what's happening here. After you set mSecure as the "Autofill service" of that device, mSecure should auto-fill your data consistently.

For 3rd party apps, there is one extra step you need to follow, which is explained in the second video. Each record that is a Login for the app you have installed on your device needs to have the app's identity set. To do this, edit the record, tap the 9 dots icon to the far right of the "App Name" field, then select the app the Login should be used to auto-fill. Save the record, and then it should work for that app. You'll need to follow the same instructions for each app in which you would like mSecure to auto-fill data.

Thanks @JSeow.  I'll definitely keep an eye out for uses for point 3.

@Mike - mSecure  regarding the "Apps" toggle, I was trying to follow the steps to set up auto-login , in case that was required for autofill as well.  I came to the conclusion that it wasn't, but wanted to point out that I don't think the steps are correct if someone is trying to set it up. https://support.msecure.com/en/support/solutions/articles/36000075105-android-auto-login

One other question. The setting specifically says autofill for Chrome. Given we are setting the autofill service for the device, should autofill work in other browsers, and if it doesn't that is probably because of the way the browser has implemented autofill? 

@Psider It sounds like the AutoFill feature is working now, but if I'm misunderstanding, please let me know so we can continue troubleshooting. For your question, as far as I know, Android only allows the "Android AutoFill" API's in newer versions of the OS to work for the Chrome browser and 3rd party apps. So if you are trying to use a different browser, I don't believe auto-filling information from mSecure will work.

One thing to mention, I just talked to our developer about this, and he says that if the browser supports the "Google AutoFill" spec, auto-fill from mSecure should work. However, I just tested in the Firefox browser, and I couldn't get it to work.

One more quick note, one of the ways you'll know mSecure isn't able to auto-fill data is if the form is a two-step form. This means the username will be alone on one page and then the password field will be brought in after the username is submitted. At some point, we will try to add support for this type of form, but at this time, only forms with both the username and password on one page will work consistently.

Okay, so I use Vivaldi which supports the API, but I can't get autofill to work. https://vivaldi.com/blog/3-new-ways-to-speed-up-browsing-on-android/ Your explanation also proves that Yahoo is doing something weird because it uses the 2 page login form.
(Something went wrong as I can't see my reply so I'm trying again.) Okay, I'm using Vivaldi which supports the API, but I can't get autofill to work. https://vivaldi.com/blog/3-new-ways-to-speed-up-browsing-on-android/ Also, your explanation why Yahoo doesn't work in Chrome; it uses the two page login form.

@Psider As I mentioned in my last post, I tried to use Firefox, which I'm almost certain supports Android AutoFill, and mSecure was not able to auto-fill data into the browser. I'm going to talk to our developer about this soon, so I'm hopeful it will not be difficult for him to get it working for different browsers in an upcoming release. To be clear, it won't be implemented in 6.1.4, which is our next release that's coming out as early as tomorrow. My hopes are that something like this would be added to 6.2.

@Psider, @Mike,

I am not surprised @Psider has trouble with autofill on Vivaldi Browser. As the Vivaldi developers themselves admitted in the 2021 link that he posted above, this is something password manager developers have to work on and I quote: "Well known password managers like 1Password, Bitwarden and Enpass have already released new versions, with support for Vivaldi on Android".

In the meantime, I can vouch that the autofill function does work on Chrome as well as on Edge browsers. except for some occasional instances. For those instances, it is really not too cumbersome to copy and paste the data from one app to the other by swiping the bottom of the screen to the left and right to switch between recent apps using the Android swipe gestures. It just takes a bit of getting used to, that's all.


Here is an example of one potential usage of a custom URL.

On the website "HaveIBeenPwned", it is mentioned that you can create a "deep link" to search for an account to check if it has been breached using the following link:

https://haveibeenpwned.com/account/[email protected]

So, for every email, you could add a URL field with the contents as following:

Label    :     HIBP
URL field:     https://haveibeenpwned.com/account/each_email_address

In this way, you could just click on the link when checking if any email has been breached.

@Mike Many thanks for your help. I look forward to a future release with working autofill in Vivaldi. :D

@JSeow Yep I've been manually swiping between msecure and browser.

Wow! That URL tip is pretty cool! Thanks!

No problem at all @Psider. This issue is written up, so I expect the developer to be working on the support for other web browsers soon.

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