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sync problem

ipad syncs to msecure. iPhone does not sync. Same settings for syncing on each of them. Iphone says "needs Permission" . When I allow (stupidly) my precise location, that does not allow sync either.  Syncing is my most frequent issue with mSecure. Fully updated iPad, iPhone and MacBook. If your first question is "what version of Msecure are you running", please advise where I can find that info on any of my devices.

Thank you.


The questions that I will be needing to ask you will involve your email address that you use. If you are ok with this, we can continue on this forum. If you would rather send an email to "[email protected]", I will be able to help you in a more private setting. Please let me know and I will assist further.

wifi sync problem. what email address and what password are you asking for in order to help me with that problem?

I have a wifi sync problem. what email address and what password do you require to help me?


I have responded to the ticket you have made. We will continue through our ticket system.

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