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Subscription renewed twice

I have renewed my subscription twice within the past 4 weeks but the app still says  sub expired. I am getting now where for the past 3 days. I tried to change my password and it gets stuck at the last screen. My mac app says the password was changed but wont use the new or old one.

Hi Patrick,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I'm not sure what's happening here, but you may be running into a long-standing bug where your mSecure app gets disconnected from your online account. When that happens, actions like subscription renewals or updates don't show up in the app, since it can't communicate with our servers.

The first thing we need to do is figure out if I'm right about the issue you might be facing. There are multiple ways of doing this, and in this case, I would like to see if we can get your Mac's mSecure app signed in to your account. To do that, you'll need to reset mSecure's database file on that computer. Please follow the steps below:

1. Open mSecure on your Mac, and look in the top left corner of your screen. You should see "mSecure" in the menu bar. To the right of "mSecure," you should see the word "Help." You'll click on that in step #2 below.

2. Click Help in the menu bar at the top left of your screen. A contextual menu will appear. Hold down the "option" key on your keyboard, and you should see two hidden options appear at the bottom of the contextual menu.

3. Click "Show Data File in Finder", and a Finder window will appear revealing mSecure's database file, which is named, "mSecure.mscb"

4. Close mSecure

5. Move the "mSecure.mscb" file to the trash

Now you have reset the Mac app, and you're ready to sign back in to your mSecure account:

1. Open mSecure on your Mac if it is closed

2. Skip the welcome screens to go directly to the Sign Up / Sign In screen

3. Click "Sign In"

Enter your mSecure account's email address for the username, then enter the password for that account to sign in to it.

Were you able to reset the database file and then sign in to mSecure on your Mac?

One other thing to mention, I'm only seeing one purchase for a subscription made on April 22nd, just a couple of weeks ago. You said that you renewed your subscription twice in the last 4 weeks, so I need to get this issue figured out as well. Do you have receipts for both purchases?

The first one was the automatic yearly renewal. the second one I did from the app on my iPhone and that went thru apple pay. So if I reset my MAC account that will not destroy my data. I can still login with my iPhone and see all my data. 

I’m having the same issue on my iPhone and I can’t get them to respond

@Drumrell I just responded to your post. It can take around a day or so for us to get back to you due to timezone mismatches and work volume. Please look at my response, and we'll get to work on fixing it.

@Patrick Since you are able to unlock mSecure on your iPhone, you will not lose your data. Resetting the database file on your Mac only affects the data stored on that device. It will not have any effect on anything on your iPhone.

One other thing to mention, if you are dealing with the issue I think you are, it will mean the password change you performed back in July of 2023 did not get processed correctly. The password got changed locally on your iPhone, but it did not get changed on your account on our server. Some customers are able to remember their old password, but this change took place a long time ago. It's likely you don't remember it. However, if you do, can you try signing in to your account on our website using that old password? Here's the url for that:

If you are able to remember your old password, were you able to sign in to your account on our website Patrick?

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