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ipad won't sync with mac

further to previous note;  iphones sync with mac.  Ipad has old email but won't allow me to change it.  In settings when I check Wifi sync -it defaults to disable!!   My wife's ipad also has old email and cannot update it.  Although her ipad has wifi sync enabled it won't sync

Hi John,

Thank you for contacting us. Accounts in mSecure must have unique emails, so if you are seeing a different email in the Account Settings on one device, you won't be able to change it to a different email that's being used in a different mSecure account. What you'll need to do is simply reinstall mSecure on your iPad. For now, let's not worry about your wife's iPad, and we'll just work on your iPad.

On your iPad, go ahead and delete mSecure. After it's deleted, open the App Store app and download mSecure again. After it's installed, go ahead and sign in to the account using the email address and password you use in mSecure on your iPhone and Mac.

Were you able to get signed in to the same account as your iPhone and Mac on your iPad? If so, are you able to Wi-Fi sync to mSecure on your Mac?

Hi Mike.  Thanks.  Finally I reinstalled onto ipad.  At first an error in syncing. I then opened msecure on the mac and after a while the red icon in sync options turned green and after I pressed and scrolled down- the ipad synced!!

Now to tackle my wife's ipad

Hi Mike, further to my email -I did the same thing with my wife's ipad and... da da!  all good.  Question:

with autosync, will it do so even if main computer is off or does msecure need to be open on the mac?

That's great news John! For the auto-sync when using Wi-Fi syncing, the Mac mSecure app has to be on and unlocked. Each of the "client" apps connect with the desktop mSecure app set as the "Main Computer" in mSecure's Sync Settings so the sync can take place. In order for that to be possible, the data in mSecure on your Mac has to be open and unlocked so that data is decrypted.

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