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mSecure Support

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iOS 17 problem

Since upgrading to iOS 17 I can’t access my passwords in the app. I just get a fixed screen and the app never opens properly.

You shouldn't have any problems opening mSecure on iOS 17. Can you please try fully shutting down your devices for at least a minute and then starting them up again?

Everything is ok now. This was a bug as a result of the iOS 17 upgrade leaving me short of storage space.

So I have upgraded to iOS17 and I'm using the old MSecure version on my phone and iPad.  Now whenever I open the app it crashes.  However; I have more than 120GB free on either device.
How did you resolve your problem?
I have attempted rebooting the devices however that did not help

@Peter As mentioned before, you should not have any issues after upgrading to iOS 17. All of our devices have upgraded, along with many, many other customers, and everything works as it should. Whatever is happening here should not have anything to do with the iOS 17 update.

At this point, do you have any device on which you're able to open mSecure and view your information? I checked your account, and it look like at one point you had at least one Mac running mSecure and signed in to your account. Do you still have the app on that computer, and if so, are you able to sign in to it and view your information?

Hello Mike,

I appreciate the your quick reply. So yeah I do have my MacBook Pro here and I can open it and see everything.  I have also taken a precautionary steps of exporting my data as a backup file and exporting it to the "no so new" MSecure software. 

However; my only issue is that with the old version of mSecure I used wifi to sync.  I had entered new data on my iPad and forgot to sync with my laptop.  So, now when I go to open mSecure on my iPad then it just crashes. 

I've attached a screenshot (.png file) of the old app icon just so we are completely clear regarding which version I am speaking about.



Thank you for the extra information here Peter. One thing to quickly mention, the new mSecure app has Wi-Fi syncing. It was only removed for a short period of time when we released the mSecure 5 app. However, mSecure 6 has always had Wi-Fi syncing.

For the crashing you're experiencing, I only have one possible solution. The older mSecure 4 app has not been supported for over 6 years now, so there is no way for us to troubleshoot what's causing the crash. Over the past couple of years, updates to iOS have caused this type of issue for certain customers, so it might be that iOS 17 has broken something in the app, but at this point, I don't know if that's a general problem in the app or if it will only affect a small handful of people.

What we can try is having you install utility version of mSecure 4 that we use for people who forget their password when using Touch or Face ID. All the app is designed to do is reveal the password that's stored behind Touch/Face ID. However, if you install it, it may be possible to create a new backup.

If you want to download the utility app, you'll need to do so through TestFlight, which is Apple's beta testing platform. Go ahead and download the TestFlight app from the App Store app on your iPad first. Next, I'll need to get your Apple ID. Typically, people don't like to write out their email address in the forum, so let me know if that's something you want to avoid, and if it is, we'll need to move over to email support.

Great thank you Mike.  I would appreciate if you moved over to 1 on 1 emails to maintain privacy.  I have already downloaded TestFlight on my iPad

No problem at all Peter. Go ahead and send an email to "[email protected]" and then respond to this thread letting me know it was sent. I'll respond as soon as I see the email.

all done.

I'm glad we were able to get that issue fixed so quickly Peter! Take care.

You are AWESOME.  Thank you for just being genuinely nice, helpful and quite quick with the replies.

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