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mSecure Support

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Cannot migrate or open 6v

Have 4.5.4; couldn’t migrate to 5 after paying; help ticket no help. Going to 6v, emails and PWs all screwed up. Have old data. Do NOT want to reset. Disabled and NEED verbal, not text, HELP!

Hi Linda,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. Unfortunately, we don't offer telephone support at this time, but I can help you here in the support forum.

First, I was not able to find a purchase for mSecure 5 when searching for the purchase with the email address you are using here in the support forum. Did you happen to purchase that license with a different email address? Do you still have the receipt for the purchase by chance?

Second, I'm not seeing you were able to sign in to your account in mSecure 6 yet, unless your mSecure account uses a different email address than you are using here in the forum. I see an account with your forum email address, but mSecure 6 has not signed in to it yet.

Third, what do you mean when you say "email and PW's all screwed up"? Are you saying you signed up for an account with a different email address in mSecure 6, and after doing so, you migrated your data from mSecure 4 and it didn't work correctly?

Fourth, just so I'm clear, you still have mSecure 4 installed on yoru device, correct? If so, when you open mSecure 4, you are able to view your information in that version of the app?

Hi Linda,

I just responded to you via email after finding your ticket in our email support system. It would be best to handle this via email support instead, because I may need to get sensitive information from you like an email address and the receipt for your v5 Pro purchase.

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