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Trying to reset account but keep getting error message

Every time I try to reset my account I type in my new password at the reset site and it says error * pass.update assword failure: Password reset token has already been used. How do I fix this so I can reset my account?

Hi Zskucur,

Thank you for contacting us. When you initiate an account reset, the process has to be completed within 10 minutes, or the token set on the account will expire. When this happens, you get the error message you are seeing, which isn't the correct message, but it just means the process took too long to complete. If you start the process over again, everything should work.

Here are a full set of instructions in case it's helpful:

1. Delete mSecure from your device(s)

2. Open this link in your web browser on any device:

3. Enter your email address in the "Email Address" field, then click "START PROCESS"

4. You'll receive an email with information for the account reset. Read that email, then click "RESET ACCOUNT".

5. Enter a new password two times, enter a hint to help you remember the password, then click "RESET ACCOUNT"

6. Install mSecure from the store app on your device - App Store app, Play app, or Microsoft Store app

7. Open the app and move through the screens until you are asked to Sign In or Sign Up for an account

8. Tap the option to Sign In using your account's email and new password you just set

9. Choose which sync feature you would like to use and continue through the app setup process

If you are running mSecure on a Mac, you will need to follow the steps below to reset the database file for mSecure. A reinstall of the app is not needed, since the db file persists through the reinstall:

1. Open mSecure on your Mac, and look in the top left corner of your screen. You should see "mSecure" in the menu bar. To the right of "mSecure," you should see the word "Help." You'll click on that in step #2 below.

2. Click Help in the menu bar at the top left of your screen. A contextual menu will appear. Hold down the "option" key on your keyboard, and you should see two hidden options appear at the bottom of the contextual menu.

3. Click "Show Data File in Finder", and a Finder window will appear revealing mSecure's database file, which is named, "mSecure.mscb"

4. Close mSecure

5. Move the "mSecure.mscb" file to the trash

Now you have reset the Mac app, and you're ready to sign back in to your mSecure account:

1. Open mSecure on your Mac if it is closed

2. Skip the welcome screens to go directly to the Sign Up / Sign In screen

3. Click "Sign In"

Enter your mSecure account's email address for the username, then enter the password for that account to sign in to it.

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