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mSecure Support

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mSecure v 6.1 upgrade failure

I am currently running mSecure 5.8.5

I clicked on 'Update' in the App Store app on my Mac Pro running 10.13.6 and the update is hanging, just spinning and spinning.

Please advise.

Hi Bo,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. We're not aware of mSecure 6 having any problems installing on Macs running 10.13. We do know there was a problem in the Mac App Store over the past couple of days, so that could be what caused this to happen. Can you try downloading the new version again to see if it works now?

After an extensive Google search I discovered on solution....

Move the mSecure app to the trash (don't empty the trash).

Open up the App Store and go to Purchases. 

At mSecure line click on update or install, I forgot exactly what it says...

mSecure 6.1.0 will or should be installed.

Very irritating that the Apple hasn't fixed the App Store update issue. 

Same thing happened when I updated Final Cut Pro.

I am not sure why you all at eSecure didn't know the solution already as I am not the only one dealing with this madness.

Thank you. very much for mSecure!!!

Hi Bo,

I'm glad you found the solution to the problem you're experiencing. While there may be a few people experiencing this issue, you're the first one to have found the solution. I'm not sure why that is, but it must mean you're a very good searcher of information on Google. And I think you for writing out your findings here in the support thread, as it helps everyone else know what to do in case they experience the same problem.

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