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email account is incorrect

I need my account email corrected to : [email protected] as it makes it impossible to use my account and options available in the updated version.

Hi Warring,

I just saw your post in a different thread. I'll be responding to you in this thread only to keep our correspondence easier to understand. I deleted the other post you created, so we'll keep responses in this thread moving forward.

I checked both your "[email protected]" and "[email protected]" email addresses in our system, and both of them are associated to an mSecure account. So in this case, you won't be able to change your @hmail email address to @gmail, since an @gmail account already exists in the system. I also found that your subscription is associated with the @hmail account, which makes things a bit more complicated.

The first thing I need to know is if all your mSecure apps are signed in to the same account. When you look in the Account Settings of all the mSecure apps installed on all your devices, which email address do you see? Also, on the device you see all your information in mSecure, what email address is in the app's Account Settings?

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