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Sync issue

Anyone having syncing issues with Samsung Note device? I have several devices and it's the only one not syncing correctly!

Hi Keller,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. Can you tell me what sync feature you're using, as well as the types of device you are using? I checked your account, and it looks like you may have Android, iOS, Mac and Windows devices, and your mSecure account is set to sync via mSecure Cloud but I need to be sure.

Also, what is happening exactly that makes you think syncing isn't working? For example, are you simply making changes on other devices and those changes aren't syncing over to your Android?

Everything you have said above is exactly true. Make changes on either iPhone or PC and android iOS does not sync or see changes. I sent pics of the numbers of total records and you can see the difference.

Hi Keller,

I saw that you were able to get this issue resolved with Nick via email support, which is great news. Let us know should you need further assistance.

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