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Sharing mSecure 6 data with two users on Mac

If using mSecure WIFI syncing on local devices (not cloud syncing) is if possible to share the same mSecure account with two different Mac OS users? We both login to our respective "sides" of the computer using Mac OS but would like to share our mSecure 6 account data. When my wife logs in to my mSecure account on her "side" of the computer there is no data. Does my wife need to establish her own mSecure account? Do we need to use the sharing function in mSecure 6?

Hi Frank,

Thank you for contacting us, and welcome to mSecure! For sharing data, there are two options: sign in to the same account, or use Cross-Account Sharing to share only certain records between the accounts. If you were to both sign in to the same account, then you would simply be sharing all of the data you both store in mSecure, and you would only need an Essentials subscription for syncing data. If you were to use Cross-Account Sharing, you would both need to have your own account, and both would need to be Premium accounts. if you were to use the second method, you can only share across different account if you use mSecure Cloud syncing.

Which way works best for you and your wife?

Also, I see there are many more posts about this throughout the forum. I'm going to look at them all real quick, but if they are duplicates of this post, I'll just delete them, and we can keep our correspondence here in this thread.

I have a Premium account.

We would like to share all the data. The problem is that when she logs in to my mSecure 6account  on her" side" of the computer (an iMac, separate Apple ID for wife), the data file is empty. Since this is the "main" computer for my mSecure 6  local WIFI sync there doesn't seem to be a way to sync mSecure on her "side."  I'm beginning to think that we may have to use one of mSecure's cloud sync options, though I'm a bit reluctant to do so.

 Thanks. Yes, delete similar inquiries on other threads.

Hi Frank,

You won't be able to sync via Wi-Fi to the same computer, of course. You could click the "Main Computer" box in the Sync Settings in your wife's profile each time you want to sync, but I would definitely recommend using a cloud sync feature instead. I would recommend using mSecure Cloud syncing, as it is secure and the most straightforward method of syncing. You can take a look at our article explaining how mSecure protects you information if you are worried about your data in any type of cloud system: mSecure’s Security Model - Secure by design

Does that help at all with making your decision?

Mike,  Yes. Thanks for the good information and quick reply to my inquiry.

One problem. In trying to login to mSecure on my wife's iPad, mSecure 6 opens with a splash page for her mSecure account (different email, data file unpopulated) and requests a password. I see no option to select a different account (mine) so that she can login to my account to share our records. Can you help?

Hi Frank,

The easiest way to sign in to a different account is to simply uninstall mSecure and then install it again from the Microsoft Store. After you reinstall the app, you can sign in to your account to share information.

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