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Moving Msecure to new android phone

I am going to upgrade to a new phone and before I do I wanted to ask about how this will affect msecure5?  I regularly sync to my backup file, and I think I will be able to restore my backup to my new phone based on the directions I have read. My question is:  is there anything else I need to worry about or prepare for?  Like will I have to buy it again?  Will it know it is me?  etc.

Hi Cheryl,

Thank you for contacting us. I checked for an account with email you are using here in the forum, and something doesn't look right. I'm seeing that a Windows computer has signed in to the account at some point in the past, but I'm also seeing it is a free account. Do you have a different account in mSecure on your current phone, and if so, can you see if it has a license in mSecure's Account Settings?

never mind, I found my old QR code from when I originally bought the software a couple years ago so I think I have figured out how to activate and restore everything on my new phone when I get it.  I also upgraded to the latest version a couple days ago and just bit the bullet and paid the fee.  I guess I am making a big assumption that I will be able to activate it on my new phone with the old QR code.    Fingers crossed.  Thank you for responding.

Hi Cheryl,

If I understand correctly, I think you're in good shape here. If you were able to authenticate with the QR code you have on your old phone, then you should no problem doing the same thing on your new phone when you get it. However, in case you decide to change your mSecure password before that, do be aware a new QR code will be sent to you, and in that case, you would need to use the new QR code for authentication.

Also, it's great to have another device to install mSecure on, so that you always have access to your information when you upgrading your phone. If you have another device, like a computer or tablet, I can help you get mSecure installed on that device too.

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