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Android mSecure 6 update nonexistant

I use mSecure on both my Windows and Android devices and have for many years.  My windows machine automatically upgraded from mSecure 5 to mSecure 6, and told me I have a premium trial.  So, I logged into the website and purchased a premium subscription.  I then opened the app on my tablet and phone to see if the premium account was there as well.  The app pops up a window stating "Update required" with two options OK and View on Play Store.  I click View on Play Store and it takes me to the mSecure page on the Play Store, but there are only 2 options: Uninstall and Open.  I click Open and it takes me back to the Update required pop up.  I then clicked on Uninstall and Install.  After installation, I open the app and signin and it tell me Update required and now I can no longer access any of my information.  

How can this be resolved.

1 person has this problem
I have also been a customer for years. Now locked out with no warning. This is the absolute worst experience I've had with any software. Burn in hell.

@Mark We have given every mSecure 4 user multiple warnings the only way possible from inside the mSecure 4 app. For well over a year, there is an "IMPORTANT!" message that pops up periodically when you open the mSecure 4 app, and it explains everything that is happening now. If you are running the most recent release of mSecure 4, you have most certainly seen that message at least one time, but you may have dismissed it once or many times. You can point fingers if you would like, and you can tell us to "burn in hell" if it makes you feel better, but the warning message has been in the mSecure 4 app for well over a year, and it is always displayed at least one time. Furthermore, since there was no way to get our mSecure 4 user's email addresses, as that app was not tied to any account system, this message was the only way our users could be warned.

Regardless of how you ended your message, I can help you get your data into mSecure 6, which will allow you to export the data to a CSV file. If you would like help with that, please send an email to "[email protected]." I won't be able to help you with that here in the forum.

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