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Can't login in msecure5 in Win1o PRO


I  had to uninstall my msecure5 because couldn't sync any more.

I have install msecure from Mincrosoft store but cannot login in msecure any more. I get bellow errors when  

1. try to login/ Anmelden: Kennwort oder E-Maul falsch - I know my credentials

2. Register/Registrieren: Parse error:Arg_NullReferenceException

what is going on here?



Hi Athan,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I'm not sure what's happening here, but we aren't getting reports of other customers experiencing this same problem. Have you tried re-installing mSecure again after you re-installed it the first time? It's possible you got a bad download of the app from the Microsoft Store. Also, I would try deleting the app, then reboot your computer, and then install mSecure after the computer has been restarted.

Did that have any effect on the problem?

Also, when you say mSecure couldn't sync anymore, what do you mean? We don't have any bugs in the sync feature, so you should have no problems syncing. Also, if there is a problem with syncing, for future reference, it's not good to reinstall the app without making a backup first, unless you have all your data accessible in mSecure on a different device.

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