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1 Password 8...Opportunity?

Was wondering if you guys have watched this?

1Password 8 Interview

This is a great opportunity to promote mSecure to their users who are unhappy about a) a brand new, completely re-written App and b) their move to a Subscription licencing model.

1 person has this question

@Tomas Thank you very much for your input in helping other forum members as they navigate the decision making process! It is much appreciated.

@Skylamar One thing to mention, you can purchase an mSecure 5 Pro license now for $19.99. That license will give you access mSecure 6's Essentials subscription tier, which has access to all of the features currently in mSecure 5, as well as other features that are new to v6. For those with a v5 license, they will only need to purchase a recurring subscription if they decide they want/need the features in the Premium tier.

@Skylamar: according to Enpass website they are subscription. I guess you have purchased a version that-just as mSecure-lets you keep the things you already have, but any new adding will be subscription. But that is just as a note, hope you are content with your choice. The important thing in life isn't what app we use or what OS we use. the important thing is that we all find solutions that fill our personal needs. 

@Mike, yes, I saw that if I buy mSecure 5 now I will have access to mSecure 6's essentials tier. However, I don't know what features the essentials tier will include. You had said the essentials tier will at least include all the features currently in mSecure 5, but those features aren't enough for me. I neeed support for tags and also a working auto-login feature on macOS. I'm not willing to spend $20 on mSecure 5 now only to find out later that the essentials tier of mSecure 6 doesn't meet my needs. So, if you could post here or send me details on what features are included in the essentials tier and what features are included in the premium tier that would be very helpful. If I then determine that the essentials tier of mSecure 6 is fine for me then I may purchase mSecure 5 before mSecure 6 is released, although I just spent $27 on EnPass so I'm not sure I want to spend money on mSecure 5 without testing out a pre-release version of  mSecure 6 first.

@Tomas, you're incorrect. EnPass has subscription options but also has a lifetime license option. With the lifetime license, you pay for it once and the license lasts forever. The lifetime license is normally $80 but it's on sale at for only $29, which is a great deal because a subscription for one year is $24.

@Tomas I meant to say that the lifetime license for EnPass includes free updates to the latest version of EnPass forever. So it's not a version that "lets you keep the things you already have, but any new adding will be subscription." Once you buy the lifetime license, you get the same features as the subscription forever and never have to pay again.

Ok sounds ok. As i said to me subscription isn’t an issue. Since I share passwords with my wife And we have different iCloud accounts I prefer a solution with its own cloud. Dropbox isn’t something I use. But great that you found an app to your liking.
” @Tomas, you're incorrect. ” Ok Skylamar, I stand corrected. I just checked the info on their website. That place you bought from I never heard of. I think I might also mention that I am in no way affiliated to either mSecure or 1Password. I just wanted to post the info I found, since I thought that your entries should be balanced. If mSecure doesn’t have all the bells tou eant, why not just move on instead of filling this forum with texts on how wonderful EnPass is? Thatvwon’t add features to mSecure or drop the subscription-solution

@Tomas I don't share my passwords with anyone so sharing features aren't important to me. As for why I'm not moving on: I'm pissed off. I'm angry that 1Password is switching to a subscription-only model and I'm also angry that mSeven is doing the same. EnPass is a compromose. I don't thnk it's as good as 1Password 7. But it's the best I've found that doesn't require a subscription. I think mSeven is making a big mistake switching to a subscription model and I'm letting them know in this thread. 

Also, if purchasing mSecure 5 allows me the essential tier of mSecure 6  for free, why not change mSecure 6's pricing so that the essential tier is a one-tme payment but the premium tier is a subscription. That's essentially what's being offered if I buy mSecure 5 now. But it seems silly that I need to buy mSecure 5 now in order to get the essentials version of mSecure 6 when I don't even know what features the essentials version of mSecure 6 will have.

There’s no real point in addressing me on this. I have nothing to do with the companies you mention more than I an a user. You say you are pissed: and in what way does your eternal bickering make your life better? You have chosen EnPass: fine. It’s not as most of us in this forum never heard of it. And still we have chosen other solutions. That’s what is positive: there are many choises out there, nobody will have to feel forced in to subscriptions if they feel that is such a big thing. As I stated earlier: to me that is no problem. Good luck with your choise of password manager.

@Tomas There really aren't many choices out there for password managers on macOS that aren't subscription-based and are anywhere near as nicely designed as 1Password 7—that's why I'm feeling annoyed. I thought mSecure 6 was the one clear alternative, at least before I realized it was changing to a subscription model.  If I didn't feel that mSecure was a great alternative , I wouldn't be posting all my messages in this thread about how annoyed I am that it's turning into a subscription app and that its yearly pricing ($29.99) is not much cheaper than 1Password's ($35.88)

I am stil open to buying mSecure 5 if I knew which features would be included for free in version 6's essentials tier. But so far, those features seem to be a secret. @Mike, is there any you can share them?

Me once again. I was reading some other threads in the forums and saw that Mike did post the features of the two tiers of version 6. And apparently tags, one of my must-have features, is only available in the premium tier. 

Anyway, I will stop monopolizing this thread. I wish mSecure 6 was not a subscription app, but I will stop complaining about it. 

Hi Skylamar,

Really quick, in response to your last comment about Tags, that feature is only available with a Premium subscription. If adding multiple tags to records is a must-have feature for you, then a subscription would be needed when v6 arrives.

In response to your comments regarding subscriptions, I will provide some information on why we're moving over to that model. I know this won't change your mind, so please don't take it that way. As @Tomas mentioned, there are those that will never want to pay for a subscription and simply hate the idea of it, and there are those that are ok with it. We don't think either view is right or wrong.

While we want to explain the move we're making, the one thing we don't want to do is try to persuade our current or potential customers that the way we're doing things is the only right way. For us, it's simply a matter of keeping mSecure a legitimate and competitive password manager app in a context dominated by a few very big players. We have been able to stay somewhat competitive for more than 10 years as a one-time purchase app, but we simply can't do it anymore. In order to have the resources needed to build and market mSecure the way it deserves, we have to change. I know for most this sort of reasoning sounds self-serving, but the move we're making is as much for the benefit of our customers as it is for our business.

We'll have a much more in-depth article about the move to subscriptions going live with the pre-release notification for mSecure 6, but along with what I offered above, it’s become apparent we cannot stay in business without requiring a small, recurring payment. Attracting new users has become too expensive to handle with a one-time fee, and unfortunately, if you aren't one of the companies bringing in a lot of revenue for Apple, Google or Microsoft, you don't get much help in the App Stores. So we're moving to a two-tier subscription model with Essentials and Premium levels.

In the process of changing over to a subscription service, we are doing everything we can to help our existing customers understand how much we value them. If you have purchased a Pro license at any time, even over the next week, you won’t lose any features you paid for in v5 even if you decide subscriptions aren’t for you. As a paid v5 user, you will get access to the Essentials subscription tier, which has all of the features in v5 along with some new features added in v6.

In order to have access to all of the features mSecure offers, however, there will be a Premium subscription tier that will require a recurring payment. Again, to show appreciation to existing customers, we’ve made the subscription as affordable as possible by offering 50% off the cost new users will be charged.

The tier pricing details are outlined below.

For users that have purchased a Pro (mSecure 5) license, you will have access to the Essentials tier at no cost.

For users that have not purchased a Pro (mSecure 5) license, the Essentials tier will be:

• $1.99 per month

• $1.67 per month billed annually

For users that have not purchased a Pro license, the Premium tier will be:

• $2.99 per month

• $2.49 per month billed annually

For users that have purchased a Pro license, the Premium tier will be discounted by 50%:

• $1.49 per month

• $1.25 per month billed annually

@Tomas Thank you again for your feedback and interaction with other users. I know it takes time for you to do this, so we very much appreciate it.

@Mike Thanks for taking the time to explain in detail why you're switching to subscription pricing. I can't say that the subscription model is a bad idea for you if it's the only way you can stay in business.

I have some comments about tags, though: I believe tags has been a feature of 1Password since version 7 in May 2018; almost four years. So, it's really not a new feature when looking at the entire landscape of password managers. My 1Password vault has about 900 items and 100 tags. So, I'm disappointed that tags is considered a premium feature of mSecure 6 instead of an essentials feature, Because mSecure5 and the essentials version of  mSecure 6 don't support tags, they can't fully import my 1Password 7 items. If tags were a feature included in mSecure 6's essentials tier, I would buy mSecure 5 right now. But I don't feel it's worth my paying $14.99/year ad infinitum just for that feature. 

So, I'm going to switch to EnPass once 1Password 7's browser extensions stop working. It does pain me a bit to switch to EnPass because as a Mac user I much prefer elegantly designed software, like mSecure. EnPass doesn't always use standard Mac UI conventions and I find that distasteful.

In any case, thanks again for your detail explanation.

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