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Purchased m secure and got in using Face ID. Tried to use password but wouldn’t work. Changed password and it said successfull but wouldn’t work and now Face ID won’t come up . How do I get back in?

Hi Wayne,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing with your password. I checked your account using the email you are using here in the forum, but it doesn't show that you changed the password for the account. Are you using mSecure 5, or are you using mSecure 4? If you're not sure, is the app icon dark blue or is it a brighter color blue when you go to open mSecure?

Dark blue and it says version 5.7.3
Dark blue version 5.7.3
I changed my password and it said change was successful,but I can’t log in using it. To reply to this message I had to use my original password. I am confused and if we could take on phone this problem could be cleared up .

Hi Wayne,

Unfortunately, we don't offer telephone support at this time, but I'm happy to help via email. I believe you are trying to change the password to your support account and not to your mSecure account. The account you sign in to in the mSecure app is not the same account as the support account you are using when you post information in this forum. They are two separate account systems.

I believe the only thing we can do here is reset your account, but that will also delete the data stored in the mSecure app. Are you ok with starting fresh Wayne?

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