Hi Dwhite,
Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. Dropbox recently updated their API's for app connectivity, and what they changed has broken the linking for Dropbox syncing in mSecure. Unfortunately, what they changed has made it so that Windows apps in general are not able to link directly to Dropbox accounts. We have a support request in to Dropbox right now, but we still haven't received word back to see if there is a fix for the problem. If there isn't, we will be needing to update the app soon with a new way to go about Dropbox syncing.
For now, the only thing to do is use mSecure's Cloud syncing or Wi-Fi syncing. Since you were already using a cloud sync feature, I would recommend mSecure Cloud syncing, because it is the most simple way to keep your data in sync between your devices. You can change sync features in the Sync Settings screen in mSecure's Settings on your PC, then your data should sync over to your Android device automatically.
thanks for the tips
Hi, Mike
Please add other cloud severs like Google Drive, Mega...
Dropbox recently updated their API's for app connectivity,
Could you tell me when did they updated their API? days or weeks ago? because I didn't face this issue days ago until I factory reset my phone.
Thanks and regards
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I have changed my account password (because I can't sync my data via Dropbox, see above), now I can't restore my backup which is stored by the old password! (PS: I input the old password to restore my data)
Now both my phone and PC's msecure5 datas are gone. so I can not even choose to use mSecure's Cloud syncing. (there is no data)
What should I do? Please help.
I'm not sure what could be happening here, but I'll do everything I can to help. Can you tell me the full name of the backup file you are trying to restore from, including the 4 characters after the period? Also, are you still able to open and unlock any version of mSecure on any of your devices to gain access to your information?

Hi, this is a screenshot on Windows 10and I can't sync my data after I reinstalled my Android (factory reset)
Android 11 (stock rom), pixel 3xl, no root
1. I have tried to delete the dropbox/apps/msecure5/ID.../data.mssb
2. reinstall msecure
3. re-login msecure and re-link to dropbox
4. I even tried to change my msecure5's password
but it doen't work!
Please help me to fix this error!
Thanks in advance.
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