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Compra Computador y Teléfono

Hola.... Quisiera sabe si alguien me puede informar sobre lo siguiente, si quiero tener mSecure en mi computador y en mi Teléfono Mobil es necesario que compre dos licencias por separado un para le computador y una para el teléfono... gracias


Hello .... I would like to know if someone can inform me about the following, if I want to have mSecure on my computer and on my Mobile Phone it is necessary that I buy two separate licenses, one for the computer and one for the telephone ... thanks

Hi Jose,

Thank you for contacting us. An mSecure 5 Pro license covers all your devices, so only one purchase is needed. The license is applied to your account, and then every device running mSecure and signed in to that account will have the license applied to it.

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