Hi Javier,
Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I can help you with resetting your password, but I'm not able to recover it. In order for the information stored in mSecure to be as secure as possible, mSeven Software doesn't acquire our customer's password or the information stored in their mSecure account, so there is no way for us to retrieve either of those items. Also, in order to keep your information from being accessed without your permission, it is not possible to bypass or change an account's password when mSecure is not accepting the password the user is entering. I'm really sorry I don't have better news here.
Are you ok with resetting mSecure, or are you wanting to continue trying to enter different combinations of your password?
Also, one thing to keep in mind is that it's possible you were using the older version of mSecure before you got your new phone. Do you remember which version of the app you running on the old phone? If not, you have that old device still by chance?
Hi Javier,
Without knowing the password for signing in to an mSecure 5 account, there is no way to access it without first resetting it. When an account is reset, all of the data stored in it is deleted. This is what ultimately keeps your information as safe as it is.
Before we do anything else here, I want to be sure we're on the same page. The old version of mSecure on your phone would have been mSecure 4 and not 7. mSecure 5 is the newest version of the app available in the App Stores. Also, mSecure 4 didn't have an account system. Many of our customers run into situations where they download mSecure 5 on a new device not knowing that they never had an mSecure account in the old app. They download mSecure 5 and think they can sign in with their email, using the password they used in mSecure 4. However, that doesn't work, because the account doesn't exist on our system.
I checked our server for an mSecure account using your "[email protected]" email address, but I couldn't find one. Are you sure you were using mSecure 5 before you got your new phone? Also, do you still have access to your old phone?
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