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mSecure Support

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Pro vs. 5

I was on a paid version of mSecure, for Android.   I got an email for the Pro version.  Clicked on download.  Got a button in Play Store to "upgrade".  Did that.  But no where do I see that it's mSecure Pro.   If I go into the app>Settings>About it shows version   Is that "Pro"?

Hi John,

mSecure Pro is the name of our mSecure 5 license. You can see what kind of license or account you have in the app's Account Settings. However, please note that our sales offers are only ever available directly on our website. A discount will not be available when going through the in-app purchase because in-app purchases go through the app store on your device (App Store, Mac App Store, Google Play, and the Microsoft Store). 

Also, your email shows a paid account in our system. That account was paid for on 04-30-2017 01:14:06 UTC. The purchase of an mSecure 5 (mSecure Pro) license is tied to the mSecure account used to purchase with. As long as you use the correct mSecure account, you will not have to purchase another license of our app. 

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