Hi Galgano,
Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. The purchase of an mSecure 5 license is tied to the mSecure account used to purchase it with. There is no way for mSecure to register a license for another account to a new account or different account. However, if you let me know what mSecure account you used to make your purchase and verify this other email address, I can transfer your purchase from one account to the other. Otherwise, please provide proof of purchase and I can update your mSecure account to be a paid account.
Note: Found no account for the email address you are using on this forum.
Hi Nigel,
Thank you for contacting us! We should be able to get resolved very quickly. I checked your "[email protected]" mSecure account, and I'm not seeing that a license was applied to your account. Can you let me know where you purchased your license from? Was it on our website, or did you purchase it from one of the app stores? If you purchased it from our website, did you receive a purchase confirmation email after the purchase was finished?
Hi Nigel,
I think I know what happened here. When a email address is entered with a capital letter in it, it can cause issues with the update process when a purchase is made. That's something we need to fix in the future. At any rate, I found you purchase and then updated your account in our system. You should see that your mSecure apps show your Pro license within about a minute of opening and unlocking each app.
@Alfred I just checked your purchase and your mSecure account. I was able to find the purchase and the license has been applied your account. Can you tell me what is happening that causes you to think your license hasn't been applied? When you go to the app's Account Settings, is it telling you that you have a Free account?
@Alfred You do have a Premium trial right now, because you just downloaded mSecure 6. Since you have a v5 Pro license, you now have a v6 Essentials account, which grants you access to all mSecure 5 features (and more) at no cost. The Premium trial gives you access to all mSecure features for a limited time. After it ends, you'll have access to the Essentials features.
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