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Facial Recognition with iOS

Any plans to integrate facial recognition to open the app in place of PW?  

1 person has this question

Hi Kevin

This is already implemented. You just need to turn it on. (I use Ver. 5.6.4)

Any app that uses Touch ID or Face ID can utilize facial recognition on iOS. As @Ivo stated, you'll have to enable the feature in mSecure's settings:

On iOS:

1. Open and unlock mSecure 5

2. Tap the menu icon

3. Tap Settings

4. Enable Face ID

Note that Face ID must be enabled on your devices in order to have the option available in our settings.

Excellent, thanks, it works!!!!

Facial recognition is turned on on my iPhone 12, it is also switched on in the MSecure App and yet it won’t work

@Grant I'm not sure what is causing this, but we should be able to get it to work without too much trouble. I'm going to have you turn off the Face ID feature in mSecure's Settings, then you reboot your phone, and then re-enable the Face ID unlock feature. You can follow the steps below:

  1. Open mSecure, tap on the menu icon in the top left, and then tap Settings
  2. Tap the Face ID option, and then turn it off
  3. After turning of the Face ID feature in mSecure's Settings, follow these instructions to reboot your iPhone: https://support.apple.com/guide/iphone/restart-iphone-iph841379c3d/ios#:~:text=On%20an%20iPhone%20with%20a,Down%2C%20then%20drag%20the%20slider
  4. After the phone is restarted, open mSecure's Settings again and enable Face ID again

Did that have any effect on the problem?

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