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mSecure Support

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mSecure desktop crashes on Mac OSX 10.10.5 since update to latest mSecure Version 5.5.4

The above described mSecure desktop version (latest version out of the App Store) crashes directly after start with Apple crash report dialog.

I followed the instructions out of

rebooted the System and tried to start mSecure 5, but it crashes like before.

I am using the Pro Version on Mac and Android. The Android Version works fine.

Can you please give me further advice, how to fix it.

Since update from app store to new version 5.5.5 16.07.2018, no crashes anymore. Thanks!

After the first sync via Wifi with my Android Phone, for a short time the Android mSecure reported strange errors with IDs or something like that. But after some seconds everything was fine also on Android. :-)...

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