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Dropbox syncing with windows 10

I have successfully installed MS 5.5.2 on my IOS devices. However, when I try to sync my laptop (Wdws 10) with Dropbox, I get a message that I should try later.

Any ideas out there?

2 people have this problem

HI Tom,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you're experiencing. Did you setup Dropbox syncing in mSecure 5 on each device? In order to sync via Dropbox, you need to link your Dropbox account in our Sync Settings. Here's a guide that might help: https://m7software.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/36000020835-dropbox-syncing

If that doesn't, please restart your devices and see if that fixes your issues.

I did setup Dropbox in all devices. I was using DB prior to this with msecure 4.x. Other devices recognized DB and synced. My PC does not do that. I tried shutting off syncing and restarting it. Still does not connect.

Hi Tom, 

I'm not sure I follow. mSecure 5 will not sync with the previous version of mSecure or the previous sync files. If you're wanting to transfer your previous information, you can create a backup of mSecure 3 or 4 and restore from that backup in mSecure 5.

How to create an email backup of mSecure 4: https://support.msecure.com/knowledge-base/ios-email-backup

How to restore from a backup in mSecure 5: https://support.msecure.com/knowledge-base/msecure-backups

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