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How do I migrate my older mSecure file to version 5?

1 Person hat diese Frage

Hi Steve,

If you still know your password to mSecure 4, all you would need to do is install mSecure 5, create a new account or reset an existing account, and then migrate your data in from the old app. You can find out more about this process here:

Thanks for the response. I have been pleased with the product. I don't know which version of m-secure I am using. I purchased and installed version 5 but can't figure out how to migrate the existing file. 

I deleted and reinstalled mScure5 and paid the $14.99. There is no automatic prompt to locate my existing files, and I can't locate the pathway on Settings?

If you already had an mSecure 5 account, you can't trigger the migration by only deleting and reinstalling the app. You also need to reset the mSecure 5 account. After the account is reset, it will be in a fresh state, and the migration will be triggered as you go through the sign in process in mSecure 5.

To reset your account, follow the steps in this support article:

IMPORTANT: Do not delete the old mSecure 4 app from your device. If that is done, the data stored in the app will be lost. Also, your mSecure 4 data is not connected to your mSecure 5 account in any way, so performing the account reset will have no effect on the data stored in the old app.

Mike. As I said in another post, I purchased the app in 2012 so I presume I have been running annelid version. The app is on my i-phone. Do these reset instructions apply to an i-phone?


Mike- your suggestion to reset and reinstall worked, thanks !!!

No problem at all Steve, and it's great to hear everything was moved over to mSecure 5!

How to migrate 1Password data from iphone?

Hi Gary,

Thank you for contacting us! So far as I'm aware, there is no way to export your data in the 1Password app for iOS, but I'm not entirely sure about that. On our end, only the Mac mSecure app has the ability to import a 1Password export file. Do you happen to have 1Password running on a Mac?

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