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Don’t recall getting migrate option.

I am able to access new msecure 5 however I don’t recall seeing a migrate option in order to migrate old msecure passwords. Please advise as I also am in a bit of a panic as my whole life is locked in old msecure app

Hi Nancy,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. It sounds like your mSecure 5 app was already signed in to an account, so the migration option doesn't get triggered. The only way to migrate is if mSecure 5 is in a fresh state, so you'll need to reset the account first.

Here are the instructions on how to reset your account: Account Reset

You'll find the instructions you need near the end of the page under the "How to reset your mSecure account" section. After you're done resetting the account, simply reinstall mSecure 5 and sign in to the account with your username and new password.

IMPORTANT: Do not reinstall the older version of mSecure with the bright blue app icon. If you do that, all of the data stored in the app will be lost.

Hey thanks what a frustrating and stressful deal. However I did figure that out and seems to have migrated over now however my phone will not sync even though in the menu, it shows the passwords are in there but just won’t display any of them. I’m thinking that’s because I don’t have my home computer set up as I am not at home and will most likely be running out of trial period as I will be away for most of the 30 days. Do you have any suggestions and am I correct that this is definitely the issue?

Hi Nancy,

As long as there is a number in the menu next to "All Items", the information should show up in the app. Can you try force closing mSecure and then reopening and unlocking the app? That should get the data to show up. To clarify, you don't need to have your home computer set up in order to your data that was migrated in to mSecure 5.

(I have not received a response from this email as of yet I was working with Ross can someone please help?) No unfortunately this did not help. I confirmed I have settings as you instruct and switched from wifi to msecure cloud and iCloud on my iPhone to no avail. What else could it be? Thanks because I just assume not use my computer since I am mostly on my IPad and iPhone. Thanks for your help. Sent from my iPhone

Hi Nancy...I responded to your post here in the forum about 7 days ago, but I'm not sure if you are checking it. Can you respond here if you see this, and if you do, can you let me know if you tried force closing the mSecure app on your iPhone? Again, if you see a number to the right of the "All Items" in the app's menu, that should mean the data has migrated. It's possible a filter is keeping you from seeing the data that is there, so we just need to figure out exactly which filter it is. One thing to try is tapping on "All Items" in the menu and make sure the favorites toggle in the top right of the main view is turned off. That will remove all filters so you can see your records. 

Oh sorry guess I don’t know how to check it here so thank you. But how do I force close msecure on my phone? Also favorites is definitely turned off. Thanks

In order to force close an app on your iPhone, you can follow the instructions here:

After force closing mSecure, go ahead and open it again and unlock it. Do you see your data now? If not, tap the menu icon in the top left corner of the screen then tap "All Items" to see if that reveals the data.

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