Hi Julien,
Thank you for contacting us. The QR code for your account is only sent out when the account is first set up, or if you choose to re-send it from the Account Settings in the mSecure app. It cannot be sent out when you purchase a license, because if it could, the system would not be secure. I can help you get access to your account, but before I can do that, can you let me know if you have access to your data in any version of mSecure on at least one device?
Hi Julien,
I checked your "[email protected]" account, and you have already purchased a v5 Pro license. Since you have that license, you'll have an Essentials account for free in mSecure 6, so you don't have to sign up for a subscription. The most important thing right now is making sure you have access to your information. Are you able to access your information in any version of mSecure on at least one device?
Also, what do you mean when you say you can't go to the account settings on your phone or PC? Are you not able to sign in to mSecure on either of those devices?
Aucun problème, Julien ! C'est génial d'entendre que tout fonctionne comme il se doit ! Merci beaucoup pour votre temps, et n'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez besoin d'aide supplémentaire.
I have never received a QR code. I've been using mSecure since 2011. Perhaps this is the reason? I have accessed mSecure from my phone in the past, but now it wants that QR code. I see that you can't reissue the code, but there should be some way to verify my identity since I use mSecure on my computer already....
Hi Erin,
The QR code is only sent out when you first set up your mSecure account. That was back in August of 2017, so it's likely you no longer have it. In order to get a new one, you can resend it in the Account Settings of mSecure on your computer, or you can simply reveal the code in the account settings and then scan it on your phone when prompted.
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