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Upgraded iPhone but can’t remember password

Upgraded iPhone but can’t remember password So I can’t open mSecure on my new phone. I can still open it on my old phone with facial recognition. It won’t allow me to change to a new password without the old password. Do I have any options?

1 personne se pose la même question

Hi Michael,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. Depending on which version of mSecure you are running on your old iPhone, we have a couple of options here. When you look at the app icon on your old phone, is it a dark blue color, or is it more of a medium, brighter blue color? When you open it, do you see a toolbar at the bottom of the app with a gear icon?

And the same on your new iPhone. Is the app icon dark blue or a brighter blue in color?

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