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Adding a family member to mSecure 6.1

 Yesterday I upgraded my Version 6 to version 6.1 with familiy License. I start my app unter windows 11 on desktop.  Then I add the email adress of my woman but she did'nt get an invitation. A test with an another email adress did'nt work too.
Whats to do now? I can't find no answers what ist to do. I think it's interesting for other users, too.
Please excuse, but my english ist not so good.
Best regards
Wilfried Albishausen

When I add an email address to the family licenses, no invitation is sent to that email address. What else needs to happen?

Hi Wilfried and Eileen,

Thank you for contacting us. When you add a family member to your license, they won't receive an email, though that's not a bad idea for us to implement something like that in the future. After you add them, if they already have an account, their account will now be Premium account and there's nothing left to do. If they don't have an account yet, you can simply tell them to download mSecure and set up an account with the email you added, and then after they do, they'll have a Premium account.

His says Trial Account 30 days left.

@Eileen I just checked your subscription, and I do see that you added an email address to your Family Licenses. However, the email address you added does not have an account in our system. I can type it out here in the forum, but I need to get your permission first. That may not be needed though, as I think you just need to have him open mSecure, then open Settings, then go to the Account Settings where he can tell you the email address he sees for his account. That email address has to match what is on your Family License.

Thank you very much, I‘ll try it tommorow.

@Wilfried No problem at all, and if you need help with the Family Licensing, you can refer to the information in this help article: Family Subscription Plans

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