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Support mSecure

Transfer Data

How do you transfer data from Msecure software to a new apple computer?

Hi Tom,

Thank you for contacting us. This will depend on which version of mSecure you are running and what type of computer the old device is. First, let me know what type the old computer is. Next, can you find which version of mSecure it is running? If it's the older version of the app, it will have a light gray lock screen where you enter your password. If it's mSecure 5, it will have a bright blue lock screen instead.

Transfer data from old mSecure to mSecure pro.

I have upgraded my iPhone to IOS 14.6

My old version of mSecure stopped working. I get a message that mSecure needs to be updated to work with this version of IOS.

I installed a new version of mSecure and had already purchased the fee based version . Signed into my account. The new Pw version of mSecure opens but no data. I tried emailing my backup from another device but the new mSecure does not recognize it. 

My most current data is on my iPhone but I cannot migrate my data from the old app to the mew app. How do I do that?

Hi Adele,

The reason the migration didn't take place is because the app has to be in a fresh state in order to it to be triggered. What you'll need to do first is reset your account so the migration code will know to work on your next sign in.

To do that, you will first need to Delete the mSecure 5 app (do NOT delete mSecure 4). After it's deleted, follow the instructions here to reset your account: Account Reset

After the account is reset, go ahead and install mSecure 5 again, and then sign in to the account using the new password you just set.

Did that cause the migration to happen Adele?

The app on my iPhone X was a brand new download. I used an older backup on my iPad to create and email an .msim copy to myself. I tried to use it to transfer the data to the mSecure5 app on my iPhone  and it did not work. I tried several times and finally, the next day for no obvious reason it worked. So I updated the file that I transferred with what I think are the latest updates since my last backup and now I think I have all my passwords on my iPhone. 

Subsequently with some difficulty I managed to get mSecure5 running on my windows 10 pc and get the data transferred. I did a backup into iCloud though I prefer not to have anything in the cloud, and restored the new  file on a new version of mSecure 5 on my iPad. 

I do not know how all these keep in synch.

I used to use mbackup with mSecure 4 , backup  my iPhone file on my PC and restore to my iPad. But it seems I cannot do that now unless I use iCloud.???

I am very disappointed that my mSecure4 suddenly stopped working on my iPhone after an IOS update. Fortunately I had backed  it up on my pc and restored  to my iPad on May 9th so I was not too far out of date. 

I still have to figure out how to keep them all up to date so if you have some instructions that would be helpful.



It's good to hear you were able to get your data transferred. Regarding syncing, the only way to do that without using a cloud system is to use Wi-Fi syncing instead. Also, should you decide to use cloud syncing, iCloud won't work between the iOS and Windows apps. You would need to use mSecure Cloud or Dropbox syncing instead.

Here's help for setting up Wi-Fi syncing: WiFi Syncing in mSecure


Ich habe Migrationsprobleme.  Möchte von meinem alten iMac (iMac Retina 5K, 27-inchlate 15. Die Balken zur Passworteingbe sind weiss

) auf meinen neuen iMac alle Daten transferieren. Ich sehe nirgends, die Versionsangaben auf dem alten Mac.

Hallo Philipp,

Ich habe auf dieses Problem in dem anderen Thread, in dem Sie gepostet haben, geantwortet, also werden wir die Problembehandlung in diesem Thread von nun an fortsetzen.

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