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How do You Restore Your Data from v.4 if Password is in v.4?

There has been discussion about mSecure no longer supporting updates tied to the Iphone 14.5 update and ways to restore your data, but how do you restore this data if your password to mSecure is stored in v.4?

I bought the new version, but I can't restore my password data from the old version because my password is in the old version which I can't access. I have also tried to restore from an email backup from early March, but it too asks for a password which I assume is the same password tied to the old app version.

I have submitted 3 tickets to mSecure with only one reply which didn't provide any help on this issue.

2 personnes ont le même problème

Hi Justin,

mSecure 4 will not receive any updates, as it has not been supported for around two years. Here is a link to a post explaining how to migrate your data into mSecure 5, and it also offers a discount for the upgrade cost:

Unfortunately, if you were using Touch or Face ID and don't know the password for unlocking your mSecure app, there is no way restore the data stored in the app. Without knowing that password, it's not possible to migrate the data from the older app into mSecure 5. Do you by any chance have another device running mSecure on which you can access your data?

Mike, unfortunately I don't have another device running mSecure. How many attempts do I get on entering my password before the account locks?

I am really disappointed that no notice was sent out prior to this IOS update that v.4 would not be supported. I have a lot of passwords in that app.

Hi Justin,

I'm am really sorry to hear about the situation you find yourself in here. Unfortunately, since the older mSecure app doesn't have an account system, we don't have access to our customer's email addresses who are using versions prior to v5, so we aren't able to send out email communication to warn them. The one thing we did try to do was announce that v5 was available from inside v4, but it's possible that window gets closed with an option to not show it again. If we had all of our v4 customer's emails, we would definitely be sending out emails to help prepare for these types of issues.

Regarding the number of times you can enter your password, that depends on what you had the Self-Destruct feature set to in mSecure's Setting. When you enter in a password and it tells you it isn't correct, does it tell you how many times you have left before the data is destroyed?

I had the same issue- now I can no longer access my data...

same here. you guys need to update msecure 4 so we can get our info. this is not right at all.

Unfortunately, mSecure version 4 has not been supported for around three years now. We released our last update for that app back in 9/2017 to address a Dropbox sync issue and provide one last patch for iOS 11 compatibility. After that release, the app was no longer supported, so there won't be any updates to it.

This is actually criminal. I bought your app. I put passwords in it. Now you won’t let me access the password in the app unless I pay you. I will be contacting Apple and maybe my lawyer.

What are you talking about Glenn? You are not being kept out of any version of mSecure you didn't pay for something. We would never operate that way as a company. If you could explain what the problem is before making accusations and threats, I could probably help you out of the jam you're in very quickly.

This is the fourth time I have explained the problem.  You have locked me out of the original app and the new app does not have the data I spent years saving on the old app.  If you are not going to fix this please just tell me so I can put this entire ugly situation behind me.    

I have three simple requests

1. Make the old app work again, failing that.

2. Give the new app access to the data I saved to the old app.  Failing that.

3. Tell me you won't do anything. I suspect this is the answer.

Why is this hard for you to understand?

Glenn, are you getting the emails I'm sending you? I have answered every question you have asked more than once. Before I go any further, can you tell me if you are getting the emails I'm sending you?

Short answers:

1) The old app will never be updated, because it has not been supported for more than 5 years

2) We cannot give any access to any data, because we don't get access to your data that is stored in the old app. It was not connected to any account system, so it was never stored with us, only in the app on your unless you made email backups or used one of the cloud sync features.

For the third request, why do you say things like this? I have responded to every question you have asked, more than once. I have responded in the forum to your other post, and I have responded to you via email. Each of those have answers to the what you are asking. Stop acting as though I have not responded to you. Why do you keep saying the same thing about us not wanting to help you when I respond to you even when you are throwing around baseless accusations and threats? We obviously care about helping you, because if we didn't, I would not go through the process of answering your posts. I would simply delete them and be done with it.

Nothing you have said is hard to understand. I can help you get your data into mSecure 6 like I have said from the beginning. If you want help doing that, tell me, and I'll do it. To this point, you have simply made threats and silly demands believing you are the one who makes decisions on the development of mSecure. You're not. The old app is not going to be updated, and I've told you why multiple times. If you want to use mSecure 6, let me know, and I will give you all the instructions you need to set up an account. When you do that, you'll be able to import your data as long as you know the password you were using to open mSecure 4 before it stopped working. If you do this, however, mSecure 6 is a paid upgrade, and the app is now a subscription service.

Do you want to update to mSecure 6 or not?

If you don't, then you have to have an email backup. If you have an email backup, you can try reinstalling mSecure 4 from the list of purchased apps in your App Store app. That app will probably install, but I don't know how long it will last before the same thing will happen again or worse. As I said in the other post and in the email I sent you, if you want to keep using mSecure, you'll have to keep your fingers crossed that nothing bad happens in the future, because the app will never be updated again. mSecure 6 is the natural upgrade path to mSecure 4, and it will always be supported. If you don't want to cross your fingers in hopes that something like this won't happen again after another iOS update, then you will need to upgrade to mSecure 6.

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