Hi Ryan,
Thank you for contacting us. mSecure 5 is a paid upgrade from previous versions of the app. I'm not sure if you have purchased an mSecure 5 license or not, but if you haven't, you would need to do so before using the sync feature. If you would like, I can extend the trial period for your "[email protected]" mSecure account in order to transfer data over from the older version of the app, but after the trial ends, a license would need to be purchased in order to continue using the Pro features.
Also, if you were interested in purchasing a license, we do offer a loyalty discount for all our existing customers, so let me know if you would be interested in that.
Regarding the other problem you are having, can you let me know on what types of devices you running the older version of mSecure? Are you able to open and unlock the older version on at least one of your devices to gain access to your information?
Hi Ryan,
This is no problem at all! I just extended the trial time for your "[email protected]" mSecure account, which will give you the time you need to transfer your data over to the new app. If you have any problems, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for help. Also, in case it's needed, here is an article for transferring information over from the the old app: https://m7software.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/36000064653?lang=en
Once you get all of your data transferred over to mSecure 5 on just one device, it should be synced over to all other devices signed in to your account. Please let me know if you need more help Ryan, and when you're ready, I'll get you the instructions for purchasing a license with the loyalty discount.
Thanks Mike,
I am having a problem synching phone info. from 5 over to computer on 5. My phone shows the sync computer and the network to sync to. My computer won't show my phone to sync to. We are on the same network and main computer is switched on. The computer is not showing my phone under sync. the main page says trial period expired for [email protected]??
sync setting on computer defaults to don't sync every time. For some reason computer on 5 won't snyc to the phone.
Hi Ryan,
If you are trying to use Wi-Fi syncing, then the desktop computer will never "see" the mobile device. The desktop computer that is marked as the "Main Computer" is the server for the system, so it just sits there waiting for a client to connect to it and ask for information to be synced. Conversely, your phone is the client, so it should show you the server in the Sync Settings, and all of the data points should be green. If you are seeing any red or yellow text/icons in the mobile mSecure app, that means it is not able to communicate with the app running on the "Main Computer" or server.
Before we do anything else, I need to make sure you are signed in to the same account on both your devices.
For the mobile app (iOS/Android):
For the Mac app:
For the Windows app
Which email address do you see next to the Username field in each of your mSecure apps?
If the emails are the same, in order for Wi-Fi syncing to work, mSecure on your main computer and all client devices must be open AND unlocked. If mSecure is closed on your computer, a connection cannot be made between the client and server, so a sync cannot be performed.
Also, the settings/preferences cannot be open in mSecure on any device. If the settings/preferences are open, the desktop computer is considered to be "busy," and the sync will be aborted.
I'm going to have you turn off all your devices, let them sit for about a minute, then turn them back on. After they have rebooted, start mSecure on your main computer and the client device you are using, unlock the app, then leave them both on the main view. Does a sync take place within about ten seconds?
If a sync doesn't take place within a minute, please run through the instructions in our Wi-Fi sync help article: WiFi Syncing Issues
If syncing is still not working, go ahead and open mSecure's Sync Setting on each device. Make a list of each of the properties displayed in the sync settings and let me know which ones are red, yellow or green.
the copz138@gmail is attached to both the computer and phone. the computer says trial period has ended. I have the wifi on and the settings screen is not open . I have shut down all devices and re-booted them. I have changed my network to private after reviewing the syncing issues. Still no synch.
I will purchase now that I know it's working if you would kindly send me the discount code.
Hi Ryan,
It's great to hear everything is working as it should! We currently have mSecure for sale on our website at the discounted price. It's 33% off, which is our normal loyalty discount. Go ahead and go to msecure.com, then click on the BUY NOW button in the top right corner of the site. Make sure to enter your "[email protected]" email address when making the purchase so that the license will be applied to your mSecure account.
I have an older version of msecure that I purchased long ago. I have downloaded 5 and have both on my computer and android phone. 5 says I need to purchase pro to see my data to snyc over. I also have a problem with the older version. there is no password screen when I open it up on my computer. it gives me a red data notice error while opening data base, bad data.