HI Ciro,
Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you're experiencing.
You can download mSecure 5 here:
iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/msecure-password-manager-and-secure-wallet/id1063795594
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mseven.barolo
Mac: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/msecure-password-manager-and-secure-wallet/id1157750250
Windows: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/msecure-5/9nblggh62pc8
Paid users simply have to sign in to the mSecure account they created and used to purchase an mSecure 5 license([email protected]). I would recommend starting with mSecure 5 on a device that has the previous versions installed so that mSecure 5 can walk you through the migration process: https://m7software.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/36000064322
Otherwise, you can always restore from a .msim backup file created in the previous versions: https://support.msecure.com/knowledge-base/msecure-backups
If you have forgotten your mSecure account password, please go here if you experience account password issues: https://m7software.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/36000064225
I believe I already paid for the new version 5 but I'm still using the on my Android phone. I've registered that I paid $9.99 for new version. Could you please check it for me?
It can be on my personal email ([email protected]) or my professional ([email protected]).