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How do i get my data

I just downloaded msecure in my new ipad pro and activated my account and loged inn but there was empty data . How do i retrieve my data to the new device

2 personnes ont le même problème

Hi Isa,

 Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you're experiencing. Please use this guide to learn how to migrate your mSecure 4 information to mSecure 5:

Hi I have recently put mSecure 5 on my phone and iPad. The data has gone bro my phone but not my iPad. How can I do this. The link above doesn’t exist.

Hi Cumbers221,

That is an old link. You can find all the articles on our homepage in support here:

Here are the articles that show you how to migrate your data from mSecure 3 or 4 to mSecure 5:

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