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Soporte mSecure

Cannot open mSecure app due to update

Help!! My eSecure update cannot open due to The update on my iPhone . I cannot afford to lose my info

4 personas tienen este problema

Hi Elizabeth,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry to hear about the issue you're experiencing after the recent iOS update. Unfortunately, mSecure 4 is no longer supported, so there won't be any updates to that version of the app. The problem is, at some point in time, older, unsupported apps always run into issues like this, which is why developers have to provide an option so that it doesn't happen. mSecure 5 is that option, as it is the update to mSecure 4 that keeps what's happening in iOS 14.5 and 14.6 from taking place.

In the older version of the app, we implemented an advertisement for mSecure 5, and that was to let our users know that the app was available and that they could upgrade at any time. Along with that advertisement, we provided an option to close it and not show it again in the future. We are finding that a lot of customers have used that option, so they aren't seeing the ad any longer. The problem is, we have no way of contacting our older customers, because the older app doesn't have an account system. Without an account system, we don't have their email addresses. If we did have their emails, we would be communicating with them to provide some explanation on what is currently happening after the recent updates to iOS, to tell them what we're doing to help, and to let them know about the backup in support which is leading to long wait times in receiving responses from our support team.

However, the issue brought about by recent iOS updates are a different story altogether. On all our company test devices, we have still not encountered the issue you and other customers are experiencing, which, though there are a lot of people who have experienced the problem, is actually a very small percentage of our overall customer base. Even had we been able to contact our users via email, we wouldn't have done so before the iOS 14.5 update, because we never knew it would cause this problem. And Apple doesn't send developers notifications that this type of behavior will occur, so there was no way for us to know ahead of time.

Moving forward, we still aren't able to tell for sure the next iOS update will cause the upgrade message to appear. Our developer has even tested on the first beta release of iOS 15, and the old mSecure app runs without any problems. In short, at this time, we do not know what is causing the issue for the old, unsupported mSecure app, but we have provided a solution.

The good news is, if you still know your password to mSecure 4, you haven't lost your data. All you would need to do is install mSecure 5, create a new account or reset an existing account, and then migrate your data in from the old app. You can find out more about this process here:

OMG every single pw i've used for years is in the APP!!  and now it doesn't work?!!!!!!!!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!  WHAT DO I DO?  and don't tell me if i know my pw to msecure I can get my info!  the PASSWORD IS IN MSECURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!!!!  IT doe NOT happen with other apps.  do not try to say it does

omg i am hyperventilating.  I cannot get any of my info.  every single pw is in this app from years past!

@Traci Thank you for contacting us, and I’m sorry to hear about the issue you’re experiencing after the recent iOS update. The good news is, if you still know your password to mSecure 4, you haven’t lost your data. All you would need to do is install mSecure 5 on the same iOS device mSecure 4 is installed, create a new account or reset an existing account, and then migrate your data in from the old app. You can find out more about this process here:

I have an mSecure 5 version, how can I update it?

@Alma Have you visited the mSecure page in the different app stores for each of your devices? You should be able to either go to the Updates section in the app store app or go to mSecure's page in the store to update the app. Have you tried that, and if so, are you still having problems updating mSecure to V6? If you are, what types of devices are you running mSecure on?

@Mike, I have the Msecure 5 app, this update was paid in June 2021 and installed in a Mac computer, recently updated to macOS Catalina 10.15.7, and I think the issue started with the last update. 

The msecure apps in my iphone and apple tablet are woking  well although they are under a "trial" for the newest version.

In the app store app it shows that it is updated.

I would like to keep the current version of msecure as the newest versions are subscriptions.

Hi Alma,

mSecure 6 is a direct upgrade to mSecure 5, so mSecure 5 is no longer available in the app stores. However, though the new app is subscription-based, if you have a v5 Pro license, you get an Essentials account at no cost. You don't have to sign up for a subscription and you don't lose any features that you had in v5. You get the Essentials features in v6 at no cost. Does that make sense?

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