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Soporte mSecure

Touch ID disappeared on Mac

Mac = Big Sur 11.2.3/ mSecure = 5.7.2 (165). Touch ID was working until this week.  Now it has disappeared and there is no option to turn it back on.  Help.

Hi Linda,

I may know what's going on here, but I'm not sure just yet. Did you by any chance add or remove a fingerprint from the Touch ID settings in Mac's Preferences? When that happens, strange things can take place. Also, when you open mSecure's Preferences, are you saying that you don't see an option for turning on Touch ID unlock inside the Security tab?

Mike:  I apologize.  I found the Preferences for mSecure.  It did let me turn on Touch ID.  I'm not sure why it turned off.  Maybe an update?  Again, I don't know.  But the problem is solved.  Thank you for your quick response.

That's great to hear Linda, and no problem at all! Typically, the Touch ID will only be disabled when fingerprint data is changed in the MacOS preferences, or if you turn it off in mSecure's Settings. However, it's possible an update to MacOS could cause something like this. As long as you always know your password for unlocking the app, you should no problem turning on the Touch ID Setting should it become disabled. 

One other thing to note, and this might be the issue you are running into, is that if you change the password for mSecure, the Touch ID setting does become disabled. I checked your account real quick, and there was a password change back in December of 2020. That's quite awhile ago, so it may not have been the cause of this particular problem, but it could be the explanation.

At any rate, it's good to know everything is back to normal! Please let us know should you need further assistance Linda.

MSecure says that my 24" M1 iMac 2021 does not allow touch ID....I am using IOS Big Sur 11.6.1. Touch ID works for other applications, but not mSecure5!  Any thoughts?

Hi Michael,

You should have no problems using Touch ID to unlock mSecure on your Mac. I have an M1 Mac Mini with the Touch ID external keyboard, and it works as it should. What have you done to try to enable Touch ID unlock on in mSecure on your Mac? Did you enable it in the app's "Security" Preferneces?

This is a screen shot of what I see when I try to use Touch ID.  Touch ID works with other apps and programs, but not msecure.


@Michael Thank you for the screenshot. I think what's happening here is your Mac is not allowing mSecure to access the Touch ID feature. Unfortunately, there's no permission to check for in MacOS, so I'm not sure how to go about fixing this. The first thing I'm going to do is have you just fully shut down your iMac for a few minutes, and then turn it back on. Restarting the computer can fix issues of this nature, because it's got to be a simple configuration problem on the computer. If that doesn't fix the issue, let me know, and we'll go through some other troubleshooting.


I did as you asked...shut down my iMac, waited 10 minutes, restarted, and msecure is now touch ID enabled!  I should know by now that app, program, and other operational issues can typically be resolved by a system shut down and restart.  Thanks for reminding me!

That's great new Michael! Every now and again, a simple restart will fix certain problems. It's sort of a role of the dice though to see if it will work for a given problem =)  Thank you very much for your time, and please let us know should you need further assistance.

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