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mSecure will not launch

Running 5.5 on win10 pro. Yesterday mSecure worked fine. This morning it will not launch. Nothing else on pc was changed.  Splash screen flashes for an instant, then disappears. This laptop is always online with vpn and firewall & virus protection.

PS: mSecure 5.5 on separate laptop running win10pro launches fine.  It is NOT connected to the internet.

Please advise.

Hi Rand,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you're experiencing here. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what's causing this to happen. However, our developer did fix a couple of different issues with the 2nd release for Windows, and one of them was an issue that caused a crash in certain circumstances. I'm hoping that fix will help in your case. Can you check for updates in the Windows Store to see if you have access to version If you do, download that new version, then let me know if you still see the problem.

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