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sync & PW problems

I have Msecure 5 on my Mac Book and on my iPhone 13 as well. All iOS are up to date. The account won't sync across devices and tells me either no internet access, which is not accurate, and an error saying it cant modify user. The password on my lap top and iPhone have been the same forever... now it won't let me log into my iPhone, keeps telling me the pw is incorrect. I can sign into this help forum though. I have tried to change my PW, but the Lap Top version does not even have an option to do that. I am getting really frustrated as this has worked well for years, but now is a problem. I haven't changed anything. I have Secure Pro, but the "about Secure" says Msecure5. I cant sign into the version on my iPhone with the email and PW I use to log into the lap top version. I am at a loss. At this point I cant reset the account, and if I have to end up doing that, I'll find a different service. I also cant save a back up. WTF.

Hi Rick,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. The problem here is that for some reason, your mSecure app on your Mac is no longer connected to your account online. I'm not sure why that has happened, but that's what the problem is.

Typically, when this happens, we have people make a backup first, which they can then use to restore their data from after either resetting their account or creating a new account on a different device. What do you mean when you say you can't make a backup? Open mSecure on your Mac, then click "File > Backup" in the menubar at the top left of your screen. What happens?

So I can restore off the back up? If so, I’ll reset and try again. Do I need to delete the mSecure app on my Mac Book and reinstall?

The safest way to go about this is to create a new account in mSecure on a second device. That way, you are never in a state where your data isn't accessible. I'm still not sure you are able to create a backup in mSecure on your Mac because of something you mentioned in your original post, but if you are, you should no problem restoring from a backup.

After you have created the backup from "File > Backup" on your Mac, attach the backup file to an email, and send it to an email address you have access to on your iPhone. Now, go ahead and install mSecure on your iPhone, open the app, and when prompted, choose to Sign Up for a new account. After you sign up for a new account, you can restore from the backup you sent yourself using the instructions in this help article: 

Backup and Restore - iOS

Also, I changed the username for your account, so you can use the same email again for the new account you create.

To be clear, DO NOT reset your account. Simply install mSecure on your iPhone and create a brand new account.

After this, I'll move your license over to your new account, and you'll be all set.

Thank you. I’ll give it a try tomorrow morning and let you know how it goes.

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