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Forgot password on MSecure 5

I have tried doing as instructions require but the Instructions are not progressing and im  am befuddled on what to do at this point

I just updated my iph IOS (15)n It wiped out many of my passwords … I have My QR Code but cant progress to where to you it

Hi Brenda,

Thank you for contacting us, and I'm sorry for the issue you are experiencing. I'm not sure I understand what's happening here, but the simplest solution involves having access to your data in mSecure on your old phone. Do you happen to have you old phone, and if so, are you able to open and unlock mSecure on that device to view your information?

I dont have a new ph just update on APPLE ios(15) that screwed up things… I CANNOT LOG IN  ,the update erased passwords!! 

The password I had in my saved passwords for the Msecure 5 is not allowing me access.. At all !!  How can I get into my acct I have my QR code but dont know what its for or how to use it to get into my acct???

I'm sorry I misunderstood you before Brenda, but now I see what's happening. I believe you were using iCloud Keychain for opening mSecure. Is that correct? Before the iOS update, did you used to tap the password field and then see information pop up below the field? If so, after you found the correct password for mSecure, did you tap that entry and then unlock the mSecure app?

Also, did you ever us Touch or Face ID to unlock mSecure in the past?

All of my password are encrypted on my iPad, and my iPhone now say no records.  How do I get them back on both phone and iPad?

@thebennettreport I'm not sure what you mean when you say that all your passwords are encrypted on your iPad. Can you explain that in more detail please? Also, after looking at your account, I see you have a Mac signed in to your account as well. Do you see your information in mSecure on that device by chance?

One more thing for now, open mSecure on your iPhone, then tap the menu button in the top left (3 stacked lines). What number do you see to the right of VAULTS?

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