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Lost all my passwords and data on my iPhone Msecure App

I got a new mobile  and restored the iCloud backup which always worked in the past. This time however the Msecure app made me log in as a new user so it now showsthat I have no saved passwords and data. Though I had over 60 saved passwords. How do I restore my  Msecure account?

1 Person hat diese Frage

Hi Yogos,

I'm sorry for the late reply to this thread. I'm not sure what you mean here when you say mSecure made you log in as a new user. Can you explain that in more detail? Also, do you happen to have any backups of your information from before you switched to your new phone?

I lost my secure data
I want to secure m Secure data
I want recover my data
I cannot log in to my mecure accout

Hi Lionel,

I'm not sure what's happening here. What has got you in this place where you can't sign in to your mSecure account? Did something happen to your device or the mSecure app on your device? Please provide me with some context as to what's happening here, and I will do everything I can to help.

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