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new computer; authenticated, not populating

I have had a MacBook laptop for years, just got an iMac, went to app store, opened Msecure and password was authenticated, but none of my information is available...nothing syncing (over WiFi).

Everything is fine on my other devices.

appreciated any help



Hi Darlene,

Wifi syncing is our most advanced syncing option. When using WiFi syncing in mSecure, mSecure will start off empty until you manage to sync. Please use these articles to learn how to set up WiFi syncing and troubleshoot any issues;

Alternatively, please change your sync option to use our mSecure Cloud, iCloud, or Dropbox syncing. All those syncing options will make it so that you have access to your mSecure information as soon as you sign in and authenticate your account and will not have to worry about any additional settings, networking, firewall, or antivirus issues.

Hi Eden, thanks for your quick response. I don't know what happen but it fixed itself. Yes I did see this article in the help section.

I have another question. since I'm transitioning to using my desk top more often than my laptop computer how do I designate the desk top to be the main source/computer.

I have notice I have more options on the iPhone for settings, then  on the computers, it seems like I have no control over settings.

thx dar

Hi Darlene,

To access the mSecure 5 settings (Preferences) on Mac, you have to open and unlock the app, click mSecure 5 from the top left corner, and select Preferences. You can also open and unlock the app and click command+comma to quickly go to the Preferences. Most Mac apps work this way. Once in the Preferences, click the Sync option and you will be presented with the WiFi syncing settings including an option that states "Main computer." Enable that option in order to make your that computer you main computer. 


You are AWESOME, I saw this earlier as well in the Mac section, but some reason I didn't understand it until you typed it out... it clicked with me.. thank you so much. I'm now good to go

sorry Im a little slow and I know this was on the site FAQ. but I really appreciate your help. happy holidays. dar

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