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Restore mSecure to new PC

Hi all,

I don't know what is previous mSecure version our client used but I have mSecure.mscw file and backup files


How can I restore these file to new mSecure?


2 Personen haben dieses Problem

it looks like I have to download 3.5.7 version and migrate to new version.

Thanks all

Hi Hoang,

A .mscx file is an old backup file created in mSecure 3. You can download mSecure 3 for Mac or Windows in order to be able to restore from that backup file. You can download mSecure 3 for Windows here: 

In order to restore from a backup file in mSecure 3, make sure to set up a lock password and follow these steps:

  1. Open and unlock mSecure 3
  2. Click File
  3. Click Backup
  4. Select your backup file
  5. Enter the backup file's password and restore

I had mSecure 5 before my computer crashed. I have an activation key but I am unable to figure out how to activate the downloaded program. I am using Windows 10 pro x64

Hi Mike,

When you say you have an activation key, can you explain what you mean? mSecure 5 doesn't require any type of activation. When you install the app, you just need to sign in to your mSecure account, and everything should work. What happens when you try to sign in to mSecure 5 on your PC? Are any error messages displayed?

mSecure 5 seems to be working correctly on my iPad.  The mSecure has NO content running on any of my Windows 10 computers.  HELP!

  It is frightening to not find the information on my computer.  Is there a way to print ALL entries from mSecure.  Then, I can store that information on paper in the safe as a back-up to the back-up.

Fred Gvillo

Hi Fred,

As soon as you are able to get your information synced over to mSecure on your PC, you will be able to print your data. It is not possible right now to print from the iOS version of the app.

Regarding the issue you are experiencing, it is usually caused by one of two things: 1) If you are using mSecure Cloud syncing, or one of the other cloud sync methods, it's likely you are signed into different mSecure accounts on your iPad and computers; 2) If you are using Wi-Fi syncing, there is some type of connection problem between your devices on your network.

Can you tell me what sync feature you are using in mSecure? Also, I'm going to have you check to see which email account is showing in the Account Settings in mSecure on each of your devices following the steps below.

For the mobile app (iOS/Android):

    1.    Tap the menu icon in the top left of mSecure's main view

    2.    Tap Settings at the bottom of menu

    3.    Tap Account Settings

For the Mac app:

    1.    Open mSecure

    2.    Click "mSecure > Preferences" in the menu bar in the top left of your screen

    3.    Click the "Account" tab

For the Windows app:

    1.    Click the settings icon in the bottom of the left column

    2.    Click Account Settings

Which email address do you see next to the Username field in each of your mSecure apps?

I now have it on my computer.  THANKS!

Now, how can I print it?


No problem at all Fred! To print, you will use the option found in the "more" button of the command bar at the bottom of the middle column of mSecure on your PC. Open mSecure and unlock the app, then look for the button with the three horizontal dots to the right of the bottom bar in the middle column. Click that button, and you should see the print option in the list. 

Were you able to get your records printed out?

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