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Backup to / Restore from local NAS

Please modify v5 to provide the functionality to Backup & Restore password files to a local NAS. I, and others I’m sure, do not wish to use Cloud, Dropbox, etc. for such a critical file on servers we have no authority to control or protect. Wi-Fi Syncing has not worked for me in months, and is less effective than allowing customers who have their own NAS to protect and manage their mSecure file. Being able to access a centralized file on my NAS to update the file to all of my devices would be much easier and effective than the the current options. Note, I am primarily using iOS and Windows devices, however this change could easily support any platform able to access the NAS. Currently, I have to email a copy to myself just to update the password file on my devices. In iOS I’m unable either to Backup to any other than my current client device, or Restore a file that doesn’t already exists on my client device. Again, not interested in using second/third party remote servers. /TIA

Hi Neal,

Thank you for contacting us. You can already create backups anywhere you would like on Windows. mSecure 5 for Windows allows you to create and restore from backup files anywhere on your computer. It also has an option to auto-backup files anywhere you choose as well. I'm assuming that what you want is an additionally syncing option here and not a backup option. Please correct me if I'm wrong here. Unfortunately, mSecure 5 for Mac or Windows does not currently have an option to allow you to save a sync file anywhere you'd like. This is something that was available in previous version of mSecure and something we are considering bringing back to mSecure. 

Since that extra sync option is something we are only just considering, perhaps I can help you fix your Wi-Fi syncing issues instead? Are you using a home network or is this a work environment? Have you made your that your computer is discoverable or using a private network setting if using WiFi? Did you make sure that mSecure 5 on your computer was set as your "Main computer?" Did you check your Firewall settings? 

You can run through the common WiFi syncing issues here:

If you answered yes to all those questions, perhaps this is an issue with your router settings or additional firewall, antivirus, or VPN software. We can test to see if your devices can communicate locally on your devices and try to eliminate whether this is a router issue by running a ping test here: 

1. On your mobile device go to the home screen and tap on the Settings option where all your phone settings are located.

2. Next tap on the "Wi-Fi" option

3. Next find the network you are connected to

** You can tell because there is a check mark next to the name of the network

4. Tap on the blue circle with an i inside of it to the right of the connected network

5. On the next screen write down your IP Address

Go to your computer

6. On your keyboard press the Windows Key and the R Key at the same time

7. In the "Run" window that opens up, type in the letters CMD and then press OK.

8. In the black window that opens up, type in PING and then a space and then the IP Address you wrote down in step 8 and then press enter

This will produce 4 results. The results can either be "Reply", "Request Timed Out" or "Destination Host Unreachable". Please let me know the IP address you wrote down in step 8 as well as the PING results. If you could send me a screenshot of those results, that would be very helpful.

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