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Pixel Slate Fingerprint Reader Not Supported


Recently purchased a Pixel Slate. When I run mSecure 5, the option to enable fingerprint is disabled. which is a pain. :)  See attached image.

To be clear, I am running the Android App on ChromeOS. 

I commented on this on the Google Play store and your response was there are no known issues but to follow up here.

Thanks for your help,


Hi Lance,

Thank you for contacting us and I'm sorry about the issue you are experiencing. mSecure 5 for Android will not run the same when running emulated on ChomeOS. mSecure 5 was not developed for ChromeOS or ChromeBooks. Most Android emulated apps on your Pixel Slate will not be able to take advantage of the fingerprint reader. I'm sorry I don't have better news for you here. 

Is this something Google will have to enable through the's out of your control?



Hi Lance,

Yes, this is something that Google or ChromeOS would have to provide for emulated apps. 

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